
Diabetes and Gum Disease

Those who are dealing with Diabetes should know that elevating blood sugars increases the risk of developing gum disease also can be more severe and take a longer time to heal.

Likewise, Gum disease and the body’s response to gum infections can make it harder to keep blood sugar levels in control. To keep your gums healthy, you need to brush after each meal and floss then rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash daily.

How can diabetes affect my mouth?

Glucose is present in your saliva diabetes is not controlled, high glucose levels in your saliva help harmful bacteria grow.

These bacteria combine with food to form a soft, sticky film, Plaque.  Some types of plaque cause tooth decay or cavities. Other types of plaque cause gum disease and bad breath.

On the other hand, Diabetes causes blood vessel changes. The thickened blood vessels can reduce the flow of nutrients and this reduced blood flow can weaken the gums and bone which puts them at a greater risk for infection.

Infections from untreated periodontal disease can cause the blood sugar to rise and make it harder to control diabetes. Some of the first signs of gum disease are swollen, tender,  or bleeding gums. Sometimes you won’t have any signs of gum disease. You may not know you have it until you have serious damage.

Your best defense is to see your dentist twice a year for a cleaning and checkup.

Things you should consider before Invisalign:

The first consideration is that you should be really  disciplined  in wearing your invisible aligners to get the best results

Invisalign must be worn almost 22 hours a day.  You usually need to remove them only when you eat and drink.

2- Your teeth may feel more sensitive

There may be a constant force while working around teeth movement, thus, making your teeth feel more sensitive.

3- Aligners can make the pain

As your teeth move to their proper positions, nerve ending in your gums are stretched as well. This may sometimes cause a stinging sensation in your gums.

4- You Shouldn`t smoke while wearing your Invisalign

Smoking with your aligners on can cause permanent discoloration.  If you wish to smoke, be sure to remove your aligners.

 5- Invisalign may affect your speech

Similar to metal braces, patients may feel that they have a lisp at the beginning of the treatment.

6- You need to remove your aligners whenever you eat

You have to make sure that food stuck in between your teeth and along your gum lines are removed.

So, this is important to brush your teeth and floss before putting your invisible aligners back in your mouth. 

7- Avoid sugary, colored, and acidic drinks

Coffee or breakfast tea can leave a stain on your aligners or may cause discoloration. If you want to drink while wearing Invisalign, enjoy drinking a glass of water instead.

8- You need to skip your lipstick for a while

Since Invisalign are clear plastic aligners, wearing lipstick can stain your aligners.  Try a colorless lip balm or other alternatives.

9- Be patient with the results

Remember that the duration of the treatment depends on the complexity of the misalignment of your teeth!

10- Invisalign should be cleaned regularly

Wearing Invisalign for about 22 hours a day and leaving them uncleaned can cause them to be discolored and smelly.

It would be great to wash them properly, soak them in a cleaning solution, and rinse them before using them again.

11- For Some Patients, Invisalign treatment may come with attachments

Attachments are tooth-colored buttons placed on certain teeth to allow the proper grip of the aligners 

12- The cost of Invisalign varies

The cost of Invisalign varies per patient. And some have insurances that may cover a portion of the cost.

13- You might need to use retainers after your Invisalign treatment

After your Invisalign treatment completed, your dentist might recommend that wear retainers when you sleep.

This is to ensure that you keep your teeth in place.


If you have any other concerns about your Invisalign treatment, Please contact Dr.Shahriary`s office to book a free consultation appointment.