Gift Shopping – Dentist Recommended

This Christmas give the gift of good oral health! Dental hygiene products are not only a cost-effective present, they also show your loved ones you care about their health.

Stocking Gifts

Manual Toothbrushes are a great stocking stuffer as they are compact and inexpensive. Most people do not change their toothbrush at the recommended time (every 3-4 months) which makes them a great gift! Chances are all of your friends and family are ready for a fresh, new brush.

Toothpaste is another great (inexpensive) stocking stuffer. This is the perfect time to get your kids excited about their teeth by buying them their own toothpaste with their favourite character or in a cool flavour like bubblegum or fruit punch!

Flossers are perfect for the teen in your life who won’t commit to manual flossing every day. They promote the habit of flossing in an easy and convenient way.

Bigger Gifts

Electric Toothbrushes are perfect for the “speed brusher” in your house. They promote longer brushing time and do a more thorough job than manual brushing. They are also a great alternative for people with wrist mobility and dexterity issues due to age, osteoporosis, arthritis, etc…

Opalescence Go is our new take-home whitening system. It’s a hybrid between a custom tray and a bleach strip that has specially formulated bleach to curb sensitivity. They are stronger than the over-the-counter white strips you can buy and more cost-effective than custom made bleach trays. This is the perfect gift for a graduating teen, busy business person, or to treat yourself.

A Cleaning and Check Up is perfect for the young adult in your life who no longer has coverage under their parents. We see many young adults come less frequently (or not at all) for their regular cleanings when they lose their parent’s coverage. Cleanings can become an expense young adults don’t want to afford when they’re first starting out. But like “preventative maintenance” on your car, seeing a dentist regularly prevents bigger problems in the future!

Call or email today to book your cleaning and check up, or inquire about Opalescence Go!

TMJ Awareness Month – November


If you experience excessive clenching, grinding, or “lockjaw”- you could suffer from TMJ disorder. TMJ refers to the temporomandibular joint; the joint which connects your lower jaw to your skull. This joint works like a hinge allowing us to talk, chew, and make facial expressions. TMJ problems can begin from a number of factors including stress, sleeping on one side of the jaw, excessive gum chewing, anxiety, overextending your jaw (by yawning, etc..). Leaving a TMJ disorder untreated can worsen other symptoms such as headache, earache, neck joint/muscle pain, etc…

In severe cases, chronic grinding can lead to loosening, fracturing, or loss of teeth. Over time, it can even change the appearance of your face. Since teeth grinding usually occurs during sleep, it can lead to sleep issues, including sleep apnea, a potentially dangerous disorder in which sleep is disrupted by interruptions in breathing and shallow breaths.

Treatment Options

What you can do to help yourself:

If you find yourself clenching or grinding in stressful situations there are self-care practices you can try to reduce symptoms:

  • Reduced consumption of alcohol and foods and drinks that contain caffeine
  • Avoiding gum chewing and eating hard candy
  • Not chewing on pencils, pens or other non-food objects
  • Consciously relaxing your jaw and your facial muscles throughout the day
  • Positioning the tip of your tongue between your teeth when you have the urge to clench your teeth, which helps train your jaw muscles to relax
  • Increased intake of water

Medical Steps:

If your clenching and grinding occur at night when it is not consciously controllable, there are devices that can be made by your dentist to help! A custom-made night guard (designed for your teeth only) fit tightly around your upper or lower teeth to prevent wear to your dentition and help control the urge to clench. Many dental insurance companies cover these types of night guards which helps reduce your cost out of pocket.

To book a TMJ consultation appointment call or email us today!


World Diabetes Day – Your Blood Glucose

November 14th is World Diabetes Day. We’d like to raise awareness by giving you some information about how diabetes can affect your overall health. It’s important to note that when a diabetic patient keeps their blood glucose levels in their target range, they are no more susceptible to oral health issues than the average person.


Poorly managed blood glucose levels can result in dry mouth, ulcers, fungal infections, tooth decay, and loss of teeth. A lack of moisture in your mouth can cause irritated tissue and severe toothaches due to impaired circulation to your teeth. Overall, research shows that gum disease is more prevalent in those with diabetes. This is important as in turn, gum disease has the potential to affect blood glucose control.

People with diabetes have special needs and your dentist and hygienist are equipped to meet those needs—with your help. Keep your dentist and hygienist informed of any changes in your condition and any medication you might be taking. Postpone any non-emergency dental procedures if your blood sugar is not in good control.


If you have diabetes, the following steps are important to maintaining your oral health:
– Control your blood sugar.
– Brush twice a day and floss regularly.
– Visit a dentist for routine checkups. Be sure to tell the dentist that you have diabetes.
– Tell the dentist if your dentures (false teeth) do not fit right, or if your gums
are sore.
– Quit smoking. Smoking makes gum disease worse. A physician or dentist
can help you quit.

During a dental appointment, stressed patients release hormones that can affect insulin uptake and blood glucose (sugar) levels. It is very important that you take insulin/medications at the appropriate time and follow your meal plan to keep your blood sugar levels stable.

To schedule your next appointment with Dr. Shahriary call or email us today!

The Royal Canadian Dental Corps

Boer War – Royal Canadian Dental Corps

During the Boer War (1899-1902) the first instance of dental surgeons operating during armed military conflict took place. While the Canadian Army Medical Corps existed, no separate branch of dental treatment existed. The large number of soldiers requiring dental operations at this time established the need for dental services to have a branch within the armed forces. At a Canadian Dental Association (CDA) meeting in 1902 a paper entitled “Dentists in the Army” was presented. This paper was the catalyst for the creation of a regular army dental staff. The CDA pushed the government of Canada to create a distinct branch for Regular Army Dental staff and in 1904 an establishment of 18 Dental Surgeons in the Canadian Army was authorized.


In 1915 the first Canadian Military Dental Clinic was established in a stable at the Exhibition Grounds in Toronto. This was the first Military Dental Clinic in the British Empire.

Operations overseas began in July 1915 with 30 Dental Officers and 74 other ranks. Within 3 years over 2.2 million dental treatments were performed including approximately 50,000 treatments for “trench mouth”. By the end of the First World War the Royal Canadian Dental Corps grew to 223 officers and 459 other ranks serving in field and stationary hospitals,  and field ambulances.


During World War II the use of dental records for forensic purposes came into prominence. This helped greatly in the identification of war casualties who lacked other forms of identification. Another new development during WWII was the formation of the Canadian Women’s Army Corps where the first female dental assistants were enrolled. This allowed male dental assistants to participate in overseas service.

Korean War

The participation of the RCDC in the Korean War was of enormous importance to the growth of the corps. During this war the strength of the Canadian Forces more than doubled and a similar increase in the size of the corps occurred. This permitted an improved rank structure and better career prospects for dental personnel. In addition, the standard of service provided in Korea under difficult conditions enhanced the reputation of the corps with future senior army officers and, as a result, facilitated acquiring desired improvements in dental care delivery.

While this article focusses mainly on the Wars occurring between 1899-1953, the Royal Canadian Dental Corps has done so much to improve the dental health and care of our troops and civilians in war-torn countries. Read more about this amazing establishment on the Canadian Dental Association Website.

Contact us today to book your next appointment!

Ha-Ha-Ha-Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from all of us at Dr. Shahriary’s office! This October 31st we’re here to help you practice your best witch’s cackle and have a little laugh!

Q: What dinosaur has the healthiest teeth and gums?
A: A Flosso-raptor

Q: What did the vampire say after his dental appointment?
A: Fangs very much!

Q: What did the ghost say when he found out he had cavities?
A: Boo Hoo

Q: Why did the vampire need mouthwash?
A: Because he had bat breath

Q: What kind of toothpaste do vampires buy?
A: Ultra-Bite

Q: What do you call a bear without teeth?
A: A gummy bear

Q: What does the tooth fairy give sharks when they lose teeth?
A: Sand dollars

Q: What do dentists use to fix a dragon’s teeth?
A: Fire drills

Q: What does a vampire fear most?
A: Tooth decay

Q: What do mice use to floss their teeth?
A: String cheese

Q: Who has the most dangerous job in Transylvania?
A: Dracula’s dentist!

The Scariest Treats for your Teeth this Halloween

This Halloween don’t let your teeth become the scariest part of your costume! While no sweets are “recommended” by your dentist, there some that are a better choice than others! When it comes to candy – be picky if it’s sticky!

Sticky and gummy treats are some of the worst candies for your teeth. Because these candies are so sticky they stay in your mouth and on your teeth for longer. They are harder to remove which gives that bad, cavity-causing bacteria more time to work.

Hard candies are also bad due to the length of time they stay in your mouth. As the candies dissolve the sugars get into your saliva and wash over your teeth. They pose an extra risk as they can actually break your teeth if you’re not careful. Biting down on a hard candy can turn your Halloween into a REAL nightmare.

Sour candies are arguably the worst treats your kids can receive this Halloween – especially if they are also sticky and coated in sugar. The acidity in sour candy can weaken and damage your enamel, making your teeth more vulnerable to cavities.

You might be thinking that our list leaves you with nothing safe for your teeth this Halloween, but you’re forgetting about the most popular treat of all!

Chocolate! Chocolate washes off of your teeth more easily than other candies. Even better is dark chocolate, which contains less sugar than milk chocolate.

Overall, we at Dr. Shahriary’s office want you to have a fun, safe, and healthy Halloween; and if you do develop a pesky cavity after Halloween we can help with that too!
Call or email to book your next appointment


To get your kids interested in their oral health, check out the Canadian Dental Association Website for some great ideas:

I Just Had a Filling – Why does my tooth still hurt?

So your dentist recommended you have a filling done, but now a tooth that didn’t bother you before is hurting! Yikes!

Before you start panicking there are a few reasons this could happen. Firstly – is the pain you are experiencing upon biting or chewing? or is it a constant ache?

Pain with biting/chewing

If the pain/sensitivity is with biting or chewing, chances are your filling needs a slight adjustment! When the dentist checks your bite after performing a filling, sometimes you’re so frozen it’s hard to get a good idea if your bite feels “normal” or not. Even the slightest bit of filling material being too high, or left over bonding agent can cause sensitivity with biting if you have a “tight” bite.

Typically, we can see you the same day for a quick appointment (that requires no freezing) to adjust the filling.

Constant Ache

If your pain is more of a constant ache there are two possible issues. Your pain may be associated with the injection site for the anesthetic. Some people are very sensitive to freezing and can experience and ache/bruised feeling in their jaw from the anesthetic – especially in the lower jaw. The best course of action is to wait a day or two to see if the ache gets better.

The other possibility with a constant ache is that the decay was much deeper than expected. While we always try our best to prevent a tooth from needing a root canal, sometimes the decay is so deep we have no choice. When Dr. Ross performs a filling where the decay is deep in the tooth, he will often place a medication to desensitize the tooth and help it “calm down”.  If this doesn’t work, a root canal may be the best course of treatment to fix the tooth.

Whatever the problem may be – we’re here to help you fix it. Call or email us today!


Sugar makes my teeth sensitive – Ouch!

For most of us a slice of cake or a TimBit sounds like a deliciously sweet treat. For some people the thought of a sugar-filled snack makes them cringe. If you’re cringing right now, you may be wondering why your teeth react this way to sugar and if you can get some relief. In short, your sensitivity is due to damage to your enamel. Fortunately, there are steps you can take and products to help reduce this sensitivity so that you can enjoy your favorite treats again!


Most people associate tooth sensitivity with exposing your teeth to burning hot or chilling cold, sweets can also trigger tooth sensitivity. Regardless of the cause, sensitivity can result from the loss of enamel on your teeth. The most common causes of enamel loss include brushing too hard and enjoying too many acidic foods. Both activities damage your enamel and can expose the sensitive inner layer of your teeth. When your outer layer of enamel is damaged, sugary foods, hot and cold treats, or other irritants have a more direct route to the nerve center of your teeth.

Preventing Sugar Sensitivity

If you can’t imagine living without your favorite sweets there are steps you can take to prevent sensitivity. Your best course of action is to take proper care of your teeth with an oral health routine and the right tools.

The first step is to use a soft-bristled toothbrush. A softer brush is not only better for your enamel, but it’s also gentler on already sensitive teeth. We always give our patients a soft-bristled brush in their patient “goody bag” at each cleaning appointment. Use a toothpaste designed to protect against sensitivity; the active ingredient you should look for is “stannous fluoride”. Finally, improve your brushing technique! Brushing too hard can cause serious damage to your enamel and gums, leading to tooth sensitivity. You can always ask your hygienist for proper oral hygiene instruction at your regularly scheduled cleaning appointment.

Contact us today to set up your next appointment!

Help! I lost my tooth. What now?

Whether you tripped in the grocery store or participated in a particularly lively game of hockey, losing a tooth can be an upsetting ordeal! It’s important to remain calm and call your dentist as soon as possible.

By following these steps – there is still hope:

  1. DO NOT clean, brush or scrub the tooth – even if it’s covered in blood.
  2. Place it in a small container of your own saliva, milk, or saline solution if available.
  3. See your dental professional as soon as possible (ideally within 30 minutes). Don’t forget to bring it with you.

With prompt attention, a permanent tooth may be re-implanted into the socket and remain normal and healthy.

While it will eventually need a root canal and crown, it is always better to retain your natural tooth than to have to replace it with a prosthetic.

When participating in sports, always wear a mouth guard. Check out our blog on mouth guards:

If you’re having a dental emergency call us today! (604) 936-1263


Oh Baby! Caring for your baby’s teeth and gums.

Dental health starts before there are any teeth to brush! Caring for your baby’s teeth early on develops good oral hygiene habits for the future.

Before your child has any teeth it is important to clean the gums after each feeding with a warm, wet washcloth. You can also buy “thimble” style rubber gum stimulators to brush your baby’s gums.

Teething is difficult, but there are a few things you can do to help. Rub your baby’s gums with a clean finger or a clean washcloth. Many babies find the applied pressure comforting. Keep their mouth cool with a cold washcloth, spoon, or chilled teething ring. If your child is already eating hard foods, offer them something to gnaw on like chilled cucumber or carrot. Keep close watch as they chew as any broken off pieces pose a choking hazard.

Baby teeth are important too. A common misconception in adults is that primary teeth do not need special care because they eventually fall out and are replaced by our permanent teeth. But these first teeth preserve the spacing for the permanent ones and help Baby chew and talk. If they’re not cared for properly they can decay, leading to a gum infection called gingivitis, which can affect the spacing of permanent teeth.

Put them to bed with water. The first sign of decay in your child’s teeth is discolouration and minor pitting. Putting your child to bed with milk or worse, juice, is notoriously bad for their teeth. This allows sugars to sit in their mouth and breed bad bacteria all night – water is the safest bedtime beverage.

For more tips on brushing and cleaning your child’s teeth see the Canadian Dental Association Website:

To book your child’s first dental check-up, contact us today by phone (604) 936-1263, or email