
TikTok Veneer Trend Ain’t Bussin.

In a recent TikTok trend influencers are doing “veneer checks” to show off their shaved down teeth. The problem is – these influencers aren’t getting veneers! Their teeth are prepped in a way that suggests they’re getting full mouth crowns. Although it doesn’t seem like a big deal,  crowns compromise a great deal of your tooth structure leaving them weak and vulnerable.

Preparing a tooth for a veneer involves removing a small layer of your enamel. We then cement a thin, shell-like porcelain piece (the veneer) to the outside of your tooth. This can improve the shape, colour, length, and overall uniformity of the tooth.

Preparing a tooth for a crown involves cutting down your tooth to a peg-like shape and covering the whole prepared tooth with a porcelain or zirconia cap. It also improves shape, colour, and uniformity. Crowns are typically reserved for teeth that are already compromised due to a crack, root canal, or large area of decay.

On average, veneers and crowns need to be replaced every 10-15 years. As a result, the people in the TikTok videos will likely need to replace their restorations 5 or more times in their lifetime. They may find this is costly and detrimental to their oral health.

If you’re not satisfied with your smile, book a consultation with our office and we can discuss ways to improve your aesthetics. Lets achieve the smile you’ve been dreaming about!

Our office offers whitening, Invisalign, night guards, and other services that can help your teeth look their best without shaving them down to pegs.

Call today for your consultation!




World Diabetes Day – Your Blood Glucose

November 14th is World Diabetes Day. We’d like to raise awareness by giving you some information about how diabetes can affect your overall health. It’s important to note that when a diabetic patient keeps their blood glucose levels in their target range, they are no more susceptible to oral health issues than the average person.


Poorly managed blood glucose levels can result in dry mouth, ulcers, fungal infections, tooth decay, and loss of teeth. A lack of moisture in your mouth can cause irritated tissue and severe toothaches due to impaired circulation to your teeth. Overall, research shows that gum disease is more prevalent in those with diabetes. This is important as in turn, gum disease has the potential to affect blood glucose control.

People with diabetes have special needs and your dentist and hygienist are equipped to meet those needs—with your help. Keep your dentist and hygienist informed of any changes in your condition and any medication you might be taking. Postpone any non-emergency dental procedures if your blood sugar is not in good control.


If you have diabetes, the following steps are important to maintaining your oral health:
– Control your blood sugar.
– Brush twice a day and floss regularly.
– Visit a dentist for routine checkups. Be sure to tell the dentist that you have diabetes.
– Tell the dentist if your dentures (false teeth) do not fit right, or if your gums
are sore.
– Quit smoking. Smoking makes gum disease worse. A physician or dentist
can help you quit.

During a dental appointment, stressed patients release hormones that can affect insulin uptake and blood glucose (sugar) levels. It is very important that you take insulin/medications at the appropriate time and follow your meal plan to keep your blood sugar levels stable.

To schedule your next appointment with Dr. Shahriary call or email us today!