
How to encourage good oral hygiene in kids

The more knowledge you can give your kids about dental hygiene, the more likely they are to continue good habits into adulthood – but that doesn’t mean teaching them needs to be boring! There are many great resources available and experiments you can do at home to spark interest in your child.

Show them the plaque that is forming on their teeth by making your own “plaque disclosing solution”. Mix 3-4 drops of red food dye in 3 tablespoons of water and have your child “swish” the solution around like a mouthwash for 10 seconds. Once they spit it out, look in a magnifying mirror and find all the red areas (indicating plaque). Have your child brush their teeth then repeat swishing the solution again to show how much plaque was removed by brushing.

Read to them; there are many great children’s books available about brushing, flossing, and “sugar bugs”.  Click the link to see the 10 Best Children’s Books on Brushing your Teeth as chosen by Babble:

Demonstrate how to brush your teeth properly – especially in toddlers when they are most interested in copying everything mom and dad do!

Let them try brushing your teeth! Not only is this a great bonding experience, it gives your child a close-up, tactile experience with teeth and gums. Don’t forget to brush again after!

Play Music when brushing. Not only does it make brushing more fun, it encourages kids to brush the full length of the song or the recommended 2 minutes.

Let them pick their own toothbrushes and fun flavoured toothpaste. Toothpaste doesn’t need to be mint flavoured to be effective! Why not let them pick a brush with their favourite character and some toothpaste that tastes like berries or bubblegum!


To book your family in for their next cleaning appointment, call today! (604) 936-1263


Dental Sealants – What are they and why is my Dentist recommending them?

Dental sealants are a great way to prevent decay from forming in the grooves of our teeth. Teeth are formed with grooves and pits in them that can trap food and the longer these food particles stay trapped in these areas the more likely they are to develop decay.

While most of us are aware of the traditional way of cleaning our teeth ie: brushing, flossing, and mouthwash; manual plaque removal does not always work when your teeth have deep fissures in their surfaces. When this happens your Dentist may recommend dental sealants to help with the deeper, uncleanable grooves. Dentists recommend dental sealants most often when children’s permanent premolars and molars are erupting into the mouth.

Sealants require no freezing and are a thin, transparent resin painted onto the biting surface of the tooth and light cured to harden. The resin fills in the narrow grooves, decreasing your risk of decay. Sealants generally last 5-8 years before needing to be reapplied.

Dr. Shahriary can tell you at your next visit if any of your teeth should be sealed and protected, because not all teeth need sealants.

Remember to maintain regular visits to the dentist for dental examinations and professional cleanings.

Call Today! (604) 936-1263