
What to pack for lunch – the best snacks for your teeth

Your oral health is important to your overall health and the first thing to decline when you eat a poor diet is your oral health. To ensure you’re choosing the best food for your teeth pick snacks that are rich in fiber, water, calcium, and protein. The top 7 foods as recommended by the American Dental Association are:

Cheese – Rich in calcium and protein, cheese also raises the pH in your mouth by increasing saliva production.

Yogurt – Like cheese, yogurt is high in protein and calcium. It also contains probiotics which are great for your gums as they block out the bad bacteria from forming

Leafy Greens – They’re full in vitamins, folic acid, and calcium which helps build your enamel!

Apples, Carrots, and Celery – High in fiber and water, they also help saliva production through the action required to chew them so thoroughly. Because they are so fibrous they also stimulate your gums in a similar way to brushing

Almonds – A great source of calcium and protein while being low in sugar

When it comes to beverages, the best choice is always water. Remember, a healthy smile is your first step towards better overall health.

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