
Vaping and Cavities – What you need to know

A vaping habit could end up leading to a tarnished smile, and more frequent visits to the dentist.

Research from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine found patients who used vaping devices have a higher risk of developing cavities. With CDC surveys reporting that 9.1 million American adults — and 2 million teenagers — use tobacco-based vaping products, that means a lot of vulnerable teeth.

The association between vaping and risk of cavities serve as an alert that this once seemingly harmless habit may be very detrimental.

Over the last few years, public awareness has increased about the dangers of vaping to health, particularly after the use of vaping devices was tied to lung disease. Some dental research has shown ties between e-cigarette use and increased markers for gum disease, and, separately, damage to the tooth’s enamel. But relatively little emphasis has been placed on the intersection between e-cigarette use and oral health, even by dentists.

The recent findings of the research may be just a hint of the damage vaping causes to the mouth. “The extent of the effects on dental health, specifically on dental decay, are still relatively unknown,” lead researcher, Karina Irusa says.

This study, Irusa says, is the first known specifically to investigate the association of vaping and e-cigarettes with the increased risk for getting cavities. She and her colleagues analyzed data from more than 13,000 patients older than 16 who were treated at Tufts dental clinics from 2019-2022.

While the vast majority of the patients said they did not use vapes, there was a statistically significant difference in dental caries risk levels between the e-cigarette/vaping group and the control group. Some 79% of the vaping patients were categorized as having high-caries risk, compared to just about 60% of the control group.

One reason why e-cigarette use could contribute to a high risk of cavities is the sugary content and viscosity of vape liquid, which, when aerosolized and then inhaled through the mouth, sticks to the teeth. Vaping aerosols have been shown to change the oral microbiome making it an ideal host to decay-causing bacteria. It’s also been observed that vaping seems to encourage decay in areas where it usually doesn’t occur, such as the bottom edges of front teeth.

“It takes a lot of investment of time and money to manage dental caries, depending on how bad it gets,” Irusa says. “Once you’ve started the habit, even if you get fillings, as long as you continue, you’re still at risk of secondary caries. It’s a vicious cycle that will not stop.”

Happy Holidays from Dr.Ross and Staff

Wishing you a sparkling holiday season 

May your smiles be Merry and White!



Things you should consider before Invisalign:

The first consideration is that you should be really  disciplined  in wearing your invisible aligners to get the best results

Invisalign must be worn almost 22 hours a day.  You usually need to remove them only when you eat and drink.

2- Your teeth may feel more sensitive

There may be a constant force while working around teeth movement, thus, making your teeth feel more sensitive.

3- Aligners can make the pain

As your teeth move to their proper positions, nerve ending in your gums are stretched as well. This may sometimes cause a stinging sensation in your gums.

4- You Shouldn`t smoke while wearing your Invisalign

Smoking with your aligners on can cause permanent discoloration.  If you wish to smoke, be sure to remove your aligners.

 5- Invisalign may affect your speech

Similar to metal braces, patients may feel that they have a lisp at the beginning of the treatment.

6- You need to remove your aligners whenever you eat

You have to make sure that food stuck in between your teeth and along your gum lines are removed.

So, this is important to brush your teeth and floss before putting your invisible aligners back in your mouth. 

7- Avoid sugary, colored, and acidic drinks

Coffee or breakfast tea can leave a stain on your aligners or may cause discoloration. If you want to drink while wearing Invisalign, enjoy drinking a glass of water instead.

8- You need to skip your lipstick for a while

Since Invisalign are clear plastic aligners, wearing lipstick can stain your aligners.  Try a colorless lip balm or other alternatives.

9- Be patient with the results

Remember that the duration of the treatment depends on the complexity of the misalignment of your teeth!

10- Invisalign should be cleaned regularly

Wearing Invisalign for about 22 hours a day and leaving them uncleaned can cause them to be discolored and smelly.

It would be great to wash them properly, soak them in a cleaning solution, and rinse them before using them again.

11- For Some Patients, Invisalign treatment may come with attachments

Attachments are tooth-colored buttons placed on certain teeth to allow the proper grip of the aligners 

12- The cost of Invisalign varies

The cost of Invisalign varies per patient. And some have insurances that may cover a portion of the cost.

13- You might need to use retainers after your Invisalign treatment

After your Invisalign treatment completed, your dentist might recommend that wear retainers when you sleep.

This is to ensure that you keep your teeth in place.


If you have any other concerns about your Invisalign treatment, Please contact Dr.Shahriary`s office to book a free consultation appointment.

Never forget your day to day oral Hygiene routines during COVID-19 Isolation

These days with all the changes in our day to day lives we should not forget about our oral hygiene. Everyone recommends Social distancing but it doesn’t mean that no one can smell our bad breath! Staying home in our pajamas all day long to flatten the curve doesn’t mean we can skip brushing and flossing. I’m happy that our patients have really good oral hygiene habits.
Here’s some tips to stay on track:

Brush Regularly:
Brushing regularly with a fluoride-containing toothpaste removes plaque from your mouth and prevents the stuck food from rotting inside your mouth.

Floss Regularly:
Fibers on a brush can’t reach in between your teeth while your food doesn’t face any obstacles getting in there. This makes flossing (once a day) just as important as brushing.

Use a Mouthwash:
Antiseptic right mouthwashes are used to kill any remaining bacteria in your mouth. They also fight bad breath.
A natural alternative to mouthwashes is coconut oil. Rinsing your mouth with one tablespoon of coconut oil can dissolve the remaining bacteria and take them to the drain with it.

Avoid Unhygienic Activities:
There are some caffeinated drinks such as white tea that don’t stain your teeth.Among tea and coffee, coffee is a much better choice. If caffeine isn’t a must, any fruity tea or herbal tea will work. Red wine also stains your teeth.
You should also be very careful about the amount of your added Sugar which is known to be associated with tooth decay and is harmful to your health.

Please feel free to contact Dr.Ross Shahriary, if you have anymore concern or question,

How Smoking affects your dental health?

Smoking is already proven to be really bad for your oral health. It appears that smoking interferes with the normal function of gum tissue cells. This interference makes smokers more susceptible to infections. It causes severe periodontal (gum) disease, and once you have gum damage, smoking also makes it harder for your gums to heal. In general, smoking gives you bad breath, tooth discoloration and Increasing risk of bone and tooth loss.Further more, it has serious effects on developing oral cancers . Smoking can also lower success rate of dental implant procedures. Please If your have any signs and symptoms of gum disease like red,puffy,tender gum or bleeding while you are brushing do not hesitate to call us. We can book you a quick check up appointment with Dr.Shahriary.