
Fluoride Benefits and Information

Fluoride is a mineral which is naturally found in Canada’s water, food, soil, and air.

We have used fluoride to prevent tooth decay since the 1940’s. In fact, it has been scientifically proven to:

  • strengthen tooth enamel
  • lower the amount of acid in your mouth
  • rebuild minerals that make teeth stronger

Sources of fluoride to prevent tooth decay


Brushing your teeth with fluoridated toothpaste helps prevent tooth decay.


Drinking water that contains an optimal level of fluoride helps prevent tooth decay.


Varnish prevents tooth decay in people who are at risk for the disease. Varnish should be painted on your teeth by someone who has been trained to do so.

Mouth rinses

Mouth rinses or mouthwashes prevent tooth decay in people who are at risk for the disease. Talk to your oral health professional before using them. Never give fluoridated mouth rinses or mouthwashes to children under 6 years of age. These rinses contain very high levels of fluoride, and young children are more likely to swallow them.

Gels and foams

Gels and foams are applied to the teeth to prevent tooth decay in people who are at risk for the disease. However, research shows that they do not work as well as varnish.


Fluoride supplements are drops or tablets. Only take them if an oral health professional advises you to.

Effects on health

Fluoride is good for your teeth, but having too much can cause two potential effects on health:

  • dental fluorosis
  • skeletal fluorosis

Affordable Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

Nowadays, Cosmetic dentistry is growing at a rapid pace. All thanks to this improving industry which has made the dental procedures more and more affordable for people.

The most affordable cosmetic dentistry procedures THAT  we are going to help you with are:

1-Teeth Bleaching

Do you have discolored teeth? Do you want them to shine bright? If yes, it’s quite a cheap dental process and the best part is that it doesn’t come with any side effects.

2-Tooth Contouring & Reshaping

If you have a misshapen or chipped tooth for some reason, try the tooth contouring and reshaping treatment. It’s one of the painless dental processes that will help you feel good about your teeth and your smile.

3-Dental Crowns

Trying to fix your bad breath? Tired of chips, cracks, and cavities? Try dental crowns!

These crowns are basically dental molds that help by improving the visual quality of your teeth.

4-Composite Dental Bonding

Do you wish to get your tooth’s structure fixed? Or want a treatment that can help in improving your tooth’s strength?

The composite dental bonding is so far the best thing you can try. It’s a cheap process and it will fix almost all your major teeth issues.

Always there are options to fix your teeth and have your beautiful smile back.

If you like to check your options for cosmetic dentistry, don`t hesitate to call us at 604 936-1263 and make an appointment with Dr.Ross.

What’s the Procedure for getting your Veneers?

Dental Veneers or porcelain laminates are tooth-colored, wafer-thin, custom-made shells bonded to the front of the teeth changing their color, size, length, or shape.

Getting a dental veneer usually requires at least three appointments with the dentist: one for a consultation and two others to make and apply the veneers.

  • The first step is when you explain what you expect to achieve and your dentist checks your teeth to see if dental veneers are appropriate for you, discuss what the procedure will involve and your dentist may take X-rays. Also, there is a possibility of making impressions of your mouth and teeth, on the same day.
  • Second appointment: Your dentist will remove about 1/2 millimeter of your tooth surface, approximately equal to the thickness of the veneer. Then, an impression of your tooth will be made to be sent out to the lab to construct your veneer. It usually takes 2-4 weeks to receive the veneers back. Meanwhile, Temporary dental veneers will be placed.
  • Third appointment: Before the dental veneer is permanently cemented, your dentist tries in the veneers repeatedly and may trim the veneer as needed to achieve the proper fit. Also, your dentist needs your confirmation about the proper color, size and fit before permanently bond and cement your veneers.
  • You might be asked to return for a follow-up visit in a couple of weeks to check gums and to once again examine the veneer’s placement.
  • If you need more information about Veneers, make a free appointment today to consult Dr.Shahriary.

Why are my teeth YELLOW?

Some of us have naturally beautiful, bright white smiles – but for the rest of us, we’re left wondering: WHY are my teeth so YELLOW?

A number of factors contribute to the yellowing of our teeth:


As we age the hard outer layer of our tooth (called enamel), gets thinner from brushing, eating, etc… As the enamel thins more and more of the soft, darker core of the tooth (called dentin) shows through.

Food and Drink

Intense colour pigments called chromogens that attach to the white, outer shell of your tooth (enamel) also cause staining. Coffee, tea, red wine, and beets are some of the worst culprits.


Certain medications have the unfortunate side effect of darkening and staining teeth. Antihistamines, antipsychotics, high blood pressure medications, and chemotherapy all may discolour teeth.
Commonly, young children or babies who are prescribed tetracyclines and doxycycline when their teeth are still forming may have discoloration of their adult teeth later in life


Trauma to your teeth may cause them to change colour as the body’s reaction to tooth trauma is to lay down more dentin. As dentin is the darker layer under your enamel it begins to show through more.


Tar (which is naturally dark) and nicotine (which is colourless until it’s mixed with oxygen) are both chemicals found in tobacco products.

If you’re unhappy with your yellow smile Dr. Shahriary’s Office offers several different options to whiten and brighten your teeth! Call Today (604) 936-1263

Whitening – What are the options?

There are many different teeth bleaching options available over the counter and in office, but which is best for you?


Whitening Strips

Over-the-counter whitening strips like Crest White Strips are a popular option due to their low cost. The strips are sold as a thin, flexible membrane coated with bleaching material that conforms to the shape of your teeth.


  • They can be worn comfortably at home or on the go, making them a convenient option.
  • Cost effective


  • Not suitable for crooked teeth
  • Often misses the areas between the teeth
  • Saliva can get under the membrane and dilute the bleach
  • Not ideal for a “wide smile” as they are “one size fits all”
  • The strips are prone to slip and slide out of place
  • Low concentration of bleach

Brush-On Whiteners

Often sold in pen style applicators with foam or brush tip applicators, brush-on whiteners are the least expensive option. They are most effective when applied directly after a meal or beverage with high colour content (beets, red wine, etc…). While this product claims to whiten your teeth, they act as more of an “antidote” to new stains.


  • Inexpensive
  • Convenient


  • Does not show meaningful results as a “whitening” tool

Custom Bleach Trays (Opalescense)

Unlike whitening strips, custom bleach trays are made specifically for your teeth and can not be shared with others. First an impression is take of your mouth and model is made of your teeth. Then a tray is formed around the model using a thin, flexible plastic material. The dental office then provides you with concentrated bleaching gel in syringe applicators and instructions on how to use the bleach at home.


  • Extremely effective whitening
  • Ideal for people with crooked teeth as the bleach reaches all surfaces of the teeth
  • Long term results, often lasting 6 months or more
  • Concentrated bleach gel often gives drastic results within 2 weeks
  • Shaped to prevent bleach from coming into contact with your gums (when used correctly)


  • Can cause sensitivity
  • Significantly higher cost than over-the-counter bleaching solutions due to the medical grade whitening gels

In-Office Whitening (Opalescence Boost)

In-office whitening is performed by your Dentist or Dental Hygienist. A cheek retractor is placed in the mouth to pull your lips and cheeks away from your teeth. Then a protective gel is placed on to your gum line and light-cured to guard your gums from the potent bleaching materials. A layer of whitening gel is painted on to your teeth and left for 20 minutes, then removed and applied again for an additional 20 minutes. Multiple visits may be required for desired results.


  • Highest concentration bleach, causing drastic shade changes
  • Quick, sometimes immediate results


  • Can cause sensitivity due to high concentration bleach
  • May require multiple appointments for desired results
  • The least cost effective option
  • Some people find the cheek retractors uncomfortable as they stay in the mouth for almost an hour

Dr. Shahriary is happy to discuss your bleaching needs with you. Call today to book a consultation and start your journey to your perfect smile! (604) 936-1263

As us about Opalescence Go! a whitening strip/custom tray hybrid! (604) 936-1263